Young Agrarians growing in Cooperation

The goal of the Sun Lodge Farms young agrarian community is to provide food security for the farm and local area by supporting farmers markets and local cooperative ventures.

Dennis Bruneau takes us on a tour of the Sun Lodge Farms' pastures.

We offer young agrarians the opportunity to be part of a community project in a beautiful, picturesque location with the chance to grow crops, share storage, supply food to others, and collectively raise a variety of livestock and poultry. Their family members may find jobs on the farm that meet their skills.

Less than 5% of the land in British Columbia is farmland, and 41% of farmers rent or lease the land they are farming. The average age of farmers in B.C. is 55-57 years old, the highest in the country.

In today's complex economic climate it is increasingly difficult for young people to embrace sustainable farming and thereby support their local community with locally-grown, healthy food products. The need has never been greater. Studies have shown a connection between chronic diseases to improper diet and lack of access to quality food sources in nearly every city, town and village.

Plots of farmland will be leased, at an affordable price, to individuals who wish to grow food for themselves or the surrounding community. Sun Lodge Farms will also maintain its own plot of land to ensure farming opportunities for our special needs community.

There are also plans to create a tools and equipment compound for the shared use of the farming community. For a small herd of cattle, shared costs and labour will be considered. The farmers may also find support from other residents for assistance in planting, harvesting, maintenance, sales, and marketing of their locally-grown produce.